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Old September 4th 12, 01:59 AM posted to
Mario Petrinovic
external usenet poster
Posts: 253
Default "steeringFFBSmooth"

Mario Petrinovic:
Mario Petrinovic:
Mario Petrinovic:
Mario Petrinovic:
Mario Petrinovic:
Jesus Christ, another one.
"steeringFFBSmooth" should be 0.5. More than that, and forces are
too sharp. Less than that, and counter-forces prevail.
Jesus Christ, those people at iRacing just boosted everything they
saw up in the sky, without actually knowing what they are doing. Forces have
to be BALANCED. For example, with too sharp forces car turns into corner too
sharply. Simple as that. This isn't natural. This is why people have to
drive around with the strength of force of only 1%. When you don't know what
you are doing, you think that if you boost everything up, that you will have
the better feel for everything. Well, this isn't so, and this DOESN'T work
that way.
BTW, no, I don't have Fanatec wheel, I have Logitech G27. They said
that this setting is the adjustement for Fanatec wheels. My god, they don't
know a thing. It should be at 0.5, no matter what wheel you have.

Oh also, it looks like Centering Spring should be at 50%. So, this
is what should be the default:
in-game 40.0/50

New development:
Well, after I've set the "steeringFFBSmooth" to 0.5, it turned out
that NOW (with 0.5) Centering Spring likes to be at 100%. So, now it turned
out that the default Logitech driver settings (100/100/100/100) are alright.
Then, when I changed Overall, it turned out that Centering Spring
likes to be at the same value as Overall (with Damper and Spring at 100%).
In the future I will test if probably the formula CS = O * (D/S) is
alright. Where CS is Centering Spring, O is Overall, D is Damper, and S is
Spring. This means that Centering Spring is, Overall times Damper/Spring
(this means Damper and Spring at the same value).

Hm, interesting things are happening, now that I've set FFB Smooth
to 0.5. Now, it looks like in-game damper at 100 is working (at FFB Smooth =
1, Damper at 100 is simply too dampy), and the best it is working if
Logitech driver Spring, Damper and Centering Spring are set to 50%.
Actually, in-game damper now is working nicely through its whole range
(in-game range), if those three (S, D and CS) are set to 50%.
Hm, I'll have to test more of this.

No, this is the wrong way.
Now I have 100/100/100/122, in-game 40.0/50.
"The secret" is in adjusting the Centering Spring. It has to be at
122% on my system.
Now I still have some slack. Probably I'll get rid of it by rising
Overall. I also have to determine (some other day) if rising Overall will
change the position of Centering Spring.

Hm, interesting development happened. (I still didn't thoroughly
test this, but probably this theory holds water.)
First I had 100/100/100/122. 122 is good position if Overall is 100.
Then I put Centering Spring to 100, and now Overall of 104 was the best.
Well, I figured out that Centering Spring is compensation for
wrongly set Overall. So, I figured out that for every 1% of wrong Overall
you have to correct for 5.5% of Centering Spring (22 / 4 = 5.5). So, I
wanted to calculate what Overall would work if Centering Spring is 0%. It
turned out that for this, Overall should be 122%. So, I tried it out, and it
worked. So, the correct setting should be 122/100/100/0, for me, on my
Now I only have to thoroughly test different combinations, to see if
this is true.
